Lunar Diet

Do you want to loose weight and wonder when to start a diet according to the Moon?

Of course, the Moon Calendar contains information about the days that are most favorable for your start.

However, the Moon does not advise anyone to starve thoughtlessly, leading yourself to exhaustion.

On the contrary, it gives many recommendations on specific products that are useful, and is aimed primarily at the complex improvement of the body.

You can find recipes for each day in your book, and now I want to draw your attention to some specific days of the lunar cycle...


The Waning Moon at this time helps to abandon the sweets without strong mental anguish and promises that the effect of your diet will last for a long time. 

moon day

the ideal day to start a diet for a weight loss


The first days after New Moon are also suitable for starting a diet. Especially if it is aimed at improving your health. The Waxing Moon will help you to develop healthy habits.

moon day

the ideal day to start just a healthy diet

25th, 26th, 28th

Perfect days for complex body cleansing and fasting.

moon days

5, 9, 13, 14, 16, 17, 22, 24th

These days of the lunar cycle are bad for starvation. The body is weakened and needs energy!

moon days

That's all for today. See you soon!