Moon Seasons

We divide the day into morning, afternoon, evening and night. 

We divide the year into spring, summer, autumn, and winter. 

 And our life also consists of 4 periods – childhood, youth, maturity, old age. 

Isn't it amazing? Everywhere we can find this number 4.

And there are 4 stages of the lunar cycle, which are also called moon seasons.

Since ancient times, people have noticed the connection of all life on earth with the Moon.

The Moon phases alternate cyclically, regularly and are clearly visible to the naked eye, so our ancestors counted time, focusing on it. 

The first calendars, created by humans, were lunar calendars.

And this was great wisdom, because people could live in harmony with the moon, plan their chores according to the peculiarities of the lunar phases.

(first week after the new moon)


Morning, spring, childhood – the period of a new beginning, time for planning, setting goals, self-determination. 

active internal action

(first quarter- the full moon)


Day, summer, youth – the time of making dreams and plans come true.

active external action

(full moon - the third quarter)


Evening, autumn, maturity – time to sum up, to harvest, to see the results of our labors.

passive external action

(third quarter -  the new moon)


Night, winter, old age – time to relax and self-reflect

passive internal action

In addition, there are four very special days of the lunar cycle, located on the junction of these seasons.


The very beginning of the cycle, it's birth. This time is perfect for making wishes and creating your intentions for the whole coming month.

(eve of the lunar spring)


At this moment, the Sun illuminates the entire surface of the Moon, so people can charge with its energy and see a clear picture of their life.

(the middle of the cycle)


The First Quarter gives us the energy of the Phoenix, the second breath in all our endeavors for active action on a lunar summer.

(8th lunar day)


The Third Quarter sets us on the “accepting” mood and self-reflection, preparing for the lunar winter.

(22d lunar day)

That's all for today. See you soon!