Muladhara: HEALTH

It all starts with her, it is not without reason that it is also called the Root Chakra. She is responsible for our sense of security, confidence in the future, and most importantly, for the health of our bodies. However, if your Muladhara is blocked, all other areas of your life will suffer as well.

Of course, the health of our bodies is directly related to the Moon. If the Moon causes ebbs and flows of huge oceans, can you imagine how it affects a person whose body, by the way, is 80% water? The growth of new cells and the death of old ones are also in its power.
Living by Moon:
Health & Beauty Course

For you to work on your Muladhara and improve your health in every possible way, I have developed a special online course.

It contains 12 lessons, during which you will learn everything you need to know about the influence of the Moon on our health, and will be able to apply this knowledge in practice.


When to start a diet?
How to plan workouts in harmony with the Moon?
What Moon phases are favorable for treatment?
So many unanswered questions?
Look for them in our free lunar knowledge library:
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