epilation lunar calendar

Epilation lunar calendar

Epilation lunar calendar is especially relevant at the vacation season. We bare our legs and want to look amazing both in the city and on the beach! Fortunately, there are many different ways to get rid of unnecessary hair nowadays 🙂

The oldest invention, razor, is cheap and easy to use, but the effect persists for a short time and, as everybody knows, the hairs become stiffer. Epilator is a thing more expensive, but it lasts longer, and the legs stay smooth for a longer time, and the hairs grow softer… However, for the ladies with sensitive skin it is not an option – it’s soooo painful!

Wax strips – most often, they live in beauty salons, but such a salon can be sucessfully organized at home. The effect of wax epilation is one of the best – hairs grow in a couple of weeks and do not become stiffer. And there are sugaring, bioepilation, laser and photoepilation… In general, there is a choice, and you are free to choose any method for your taste! And, if the main criterion of choice for you is how long your legs will remain smooth, pay attention not only to the method, but also to the date of epilation.

Epilation lunar calendar

Epilation lunar calendar – general rules

How to choose the right date for epilation, so that the result is preserved for longer? What is in common between the Moon and your hair? It’s simple! The wonderful sattelite of the Earth has a huge impact on our planet and all alive creatures (and not alive) on it. The Moon causes the ebbs and flows of the vast Earth’s seas. Imagine the power of such energy! And how wonderful to enlist her support for the fulfillment of your own desires!

To get the Moon as an assistant, it is enough to know the basic laws and rules of the lunar cycle. The lunar cycle (lunar month) consists of 29.5 days and represents the path of the Moon from New Moon to the next New Moon. The mood of the Moon is changeable, and every lunar day is colored by its own character. But, there are also general trends that allowed astrologers to divide them into periods. The two main periods are the Waxing Moon and the Waning Moon.

The Waxing Moon, and all the days that are located into the phase of its growth, from New Moon to Full Moon, contributes to the active growth and development of all life on Earth. Meanwhile, the Waning Moon, “takes away” all unnecessary things with itself, slows down growth, attenuates dependences, and so on. Therefore, it is logical that the best days for epilation by the lunar calendar are concentrated precisely in the second half of the cycle – on Waning Moon.

What lunar day is today? Find out in the Beauty Moon Calendar 2023 >>

Epilation lunar calendar – unfavorable days

If you can not wait for the Full Moon to epilate your legs, do not worry! The main thing is to exclude absolutely unfavorable dates, in which the hair removal process is especially unsuccessful. By the way, there are such days on the Waning Moon too, so be careful!

So, 6, 14, 20, 22 and 23 lunar days are absolutely not suitable for epilation. It is worth to pick out 22 lunar day, which is unfavorable for any “aggressive” procedures with the skin, both peeling or removing acne. The fact is that every day of the lunar cycle is associated with certain parts of the human body, and on the day associated with a certain organ, any impact on it can cause harm. So, 22 lunar day is “responsible” for the skin.

Epilation lunar calendar – the best days

If you want to choose the very best days for epilation by the lunar calendar, feel free to choose 15, 16 or 30 lunar day! Epilation in these periods will be successful and the result will be preserved for a long time. Happy vacation to you and amazingly soft legs! 🙂

Find more beauty tips in our Beauty Moon Calendar 👇

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