Full Moon October 1 2020

Full Moon October 1, 2020 – face it all together

Hunter Full Moon October 1, 2020, is a very special astrological event. We will have as many as two Full Moons this October instead of the usual one. The second one will happen at the very end of the month, and this will be the 13th Full Moon of the year, which happens quite rarely and is called the Blue Moon. We will talk about it later, and now let’s concentrate on the nearest astrological event in the calendar.

This year, the Hunter Full Moon will occur in the sign of Aries, which enhances its purposeful, passionate, warlike meaning. After all, Aries is a hunter at heart. Also, the patron planet of Aries – Mars – will not be in the calmest state and will make tense aspects to other planets.

What does this mean for us, and how to live this period correctly? Let’s figure it out together.

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Full Moon Theme and Libra – Aries confrontation

As you know, the Full Moon is the opposition of the Sun and the Moon. At this moment, they confront each other, denoting certain areas of the conflict – and, at the same time, prompting its solution. Note that it is in this position that the Moon is fully illuminated, that is, it is at the peak of her strength. It turns out that it is the Sun theme that helps the Moon theme appear in the best possible quality. Sounds confusing, but you will understand everything soon.

The Sun at the moment of this Full Moon is in the Sign of Libra. It is a zone of partnership, balance, and harmony. A zone of justice, win-win decisions, love, and integrity. The opposite theme of the Aries Moon is personal ambition, persistent progress towards the goal, rebellion, and liberation. Now we put everything together and get the answer: it is a partnership that will help us achieve personal goals.

Harmony in relationships with the closest people will become the spotlight that will highlight us on the stage of our achievements as winners.

The point is only to understand it and remember it. Indeed, without this knowledge, the Aries influence can force us to rebel against our own partner instead of uniting with him in a rebellion against the rest of the world – and win this battle.

planets aspects

Planets aspects during the Full Moon October 1, 2020

As is often the case, the rest of the planets-participants emphasize the Full Moon’s main theme and complement it. This time, Venus is building a trine to Mars, and this harmonious aspect between the female and male planets hints at a happy partnership again.

Meanwhile, Mars is in a retrograde phase, thereby giving us an excellent chance to finish what we started, what did not work out in the past. Moreover, the Moon, passing very close to Chiron, promises to whisper to us unexpected solutions to those issues that previously seemed insoluble.

Mars is quite aggressive here and squares up with Saturn and Pluto – the authoritative and powerful planets. It is a configuration of revolutionaries and reformers seeking to destroy outdated systems, laws, authorities. And it is very useful for humanity as a whole because without revolutions there would be no development and progress. Of course, in the private life of every person, it is also very important to defend our boundaries and find freedom. If during this period there are obstacles on your way, it’s OK. The main thing is not to give up, and you will definitely overcome them.

Firstly, a harmonious relationship with your partner will help you with this (remember?). And secondly, Jupiter – Neptune sextile, a beautiful aspect of the generosity of the Universe and the fulfillment of all desires.

What Moon Phase is today? Moon Calendar 2020 >>

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Specific tips

So, let’s summarize all the information that the sky chart gave us.
An active and stressful period awaits us, and this is great! After all, it is times like these that help us make important changes in our lives, get out of our comfort zone, overcome obstacles on the way to our goals, and become real winners.

1. To pass this period with dignity, pay attention to your closest partners – in marriage, business, your friends, and consultants. Commit to making this relationship harmonious. If you succeed, you will have a super team that will help you get everything you dream of.

2. Learn more about the Full Moon as a phenomenon, Full Moon rituals, and the Moon in Aries. Knowledge is power, key, answer.

3. Get more personal recommendations in the Moon Calendar – it was created to help you find harmony with yourself, your partners, and the forces of the Universe simultaneously👇

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