Lunar days

Lunar days have a unique energy and specific priorities. Each of them has its very own mascots, symbols, practices, and meditations. We will help you use lunar days’ knowledge wisely and get Moon’s support.

хирургические операции по лунному календарю ноябрь 2017

Surgery Lunar Calendar November 2017

Medications and vitamin preparations intake, dental procedures, treatment courses and surgical operations… All these procedures require a serious approach and preparations. It is very important to choose the right medicine, a professional doctor, a good clinic. In addition, it is useful to consult with the lunar calendar. After all, the Moon affects every alive creature …

Surgery Lunar Calendar November 2017 Read More »

lunar birthday waning moon

Lunar birthday – characteristics (Waning Moon)

The lunar day of our birth endows us with its character traits and a set of abilities and opportunities, predetermines health, activity, and luck. Knowing the lunar birthday helps to better understand yourself and determine your strengths and weaknesses, traits that are worth developing, and situations that you should avoid. This article is a brief …

Lunar birthday – characteristics (Waning Moon) Read More »